
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Apple pie that I made in foods. Sorry, it's not the best pic, as you can see, it was mostly gone by the time I remembered to get a picture. :) Really yummy, though. It had cinnamon and nutmeg in it.

Asparugus and mushrooms sauteed in butter. YUM! :)

Sorry it's sideways-too lazy to fix it and reupload it. :P But this is a hat that I finished pretty shortly after coming up here, I jsut hadn't gotten a picture of it until now. It's mostly knitted with a bit of crochet.


  1. I did not like asparagus the one time I tried it, but maybe I didn't have it cooked in the best way. Someday perhaps I'll try it again...
    and that hat is super cute btw.

    1. thanks! and yeah, who knows? There are a lot of different ways to cook it, but my favorite part about asparagus is the smell and taste.
